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Colic in horses is one of the most dangerous diseases that can lead to death if not diagnosed and treated in time. Learn with us about the treatment of horse colic, its types, how to diagnose it, and how to prevent it.
Colic, very simply, is the pain that occurs in the abdominal area, usually due to problems in the horses’ digestive system, causing contractions in the intestines or severe pressure on the abdominal wall (but there are other causes unrelated to the digestive system that can lead to signs of colic in horses… don’t forget to check the causes of colic below to learn about them).
Although we said it’s an easy question, we need to clarify a common misconception when talking about colic in horses, which is to consider it a disease; the truth is that it is a symptom that appears in horses but is not a disease in itself.
We said it’s pain in the abdominal area… but this is a broad general expression; because this painful colic is caused by multiple reasons that vary in severity, which leads us to the next question…
(Resulting from the accumulation of food or other materials in the intestines) There are various ways in which this type can occur, ultimately resulting in the intestines being filled with undigested feed or possibly other elements. Here are the most common cases that cause it:
The large intestines of horses are not all of the same thickness; there are folds and areas where the thickness of the intestines is narrower than in other parts, making it difficult for these masses to pass through the narrow sections. However, we find that the pain resulting from the obstruction of the large intestines (cecum and colon) is less compared to the obstruction of the small intestines in horses. This is logical because the thickness of the small intestines is less than that of the large intestines.
If the feed accumulates in the large intestine, what happens if this feed has a high percentage of carbohydrates (grains) or is spoiled? It will ferment, producing gases that cause bloating and pain for the horse. The horse will show a noticeable swelling in the abdominal area due to the accumulation of these gases. Therefore, sudden changes in the feed that the horse is accustomed to (the quality of the feed, its quantity, and the number of meals per day) should be avoided, as beneficial bacteria in the intestine are sensitive to sudden changes in feed. A veterinarian uses a stomach tube to relieve these gases. The presence of this gas bloating may also cause the position of the large intestine to shift in the abdominal cavity or twist around itself, resulting in another highly dangerous type of horse colic!
This is considered one of the most severe cases, where the colon twists around itself or intertwines with other surrounding organs (such as the kidney). This twisting or displacement can lead to a lack of blood flow to parts of the large intestine, causing tissue damage and resulting in the horse’s death if intervention for treatment is not provided! This twisting can occur suddenly and can be extremely painful. Additionally, one part of the intestine can become entangled with another (the large intestine alone is approximately seven meters long!).
It is a common type among horses, where the intestines contract abnormally, causing severe pain to the horse. The cause of these sudden contractions is usually unknown (but they can be triggered by stressful events or a degree of dehydration).
Intestinal movement is an involuntary action that occurs in the digestive system and is essential for the movement of food from one part to another, allowing for the digestion and utilization of food until waste is expelled from the body. Therefore, the cessation of this movement in a horse’s intestines leads to the accumulation of feed and the occurrence of colic. The cause of weakened or halted intestinal movement in horses is not clearly understood; however, it may be linked to infections in the horse’s digestive system or abdominal cavity, in which case the horse may be ill due to the toxins produced by the pathogens.
There are many other causes that may lead to the appearance of colic symptoms in horses, such as urinary bladder stones, laminitis (founder), or issues with the ovaries and uterus. As you can see, these are causes not related to the intestines and digestive system; however, they can still produce symptoms similar to those of horse colic, and the colic resulting from them is known as false colic. A veterinarian can differentiate between them through diagnosis. What are the symptoms that appear in the case of horse colic?
The signs of colic vary depending on its severity and the cause of its occurrence, such as:
توضح استجابة فليهمن في الخيل.
وسبب أنها تستلقي على ظهرها هو محاولتها لتخفيف الألم عن بطنها مما يشكل خطورة لإمكانية حدوث التواء في القولون مما فيتعقد وضع الحالة ويتطلب تدخل جراحي ولذلك يجب منع الخيل في هذه الحالة من الرقود والدوران السريع حول نفسها للحماية من التواء الأمعاء.
توضح استجابة فليهمن في الخيل.
توضح استجابة فليهمن في الخيل.
إذا كانت أعراض المغص خفيفة يمكنك أن تقوم بتمشية الخيل لمدة لا تزيد عن عشر دقائق حد أقصى لتخفيف التقلصات وتساعد هذه التمشية البسيطة على تحريك الأمعاء ومساعدة الخيول على التبرز (وإن لاحظت آلام في القدم عند الخيل أو عند الضلوع توقف فورًا) ؛ لكن إن لم تتحسن الأعراض خلال نصف ساعة أو الأسوأ أنها زادت في الشدة قم بالتواصل مباشرة مع الطبيب البيطري المختص
ويرجى الحذر أنه في حالة غيابك أو غياب سايس الخيل لعدة ساعات عن الخيول ثم ملاحظة أعراض المغص عند العودة للخيل فلابد من التواصل مع الطبيب البيطري فورًا (لأنك لا تعلم منذ متى والخيل تعاني من المغص وبالتالي قد تكون حياتها على المحك إن كانت الحالة شديدة).
ويجب إزالة العلف من أمام الخيل لتجنب زيادة المشكلة والأعراض سوءًا.
ونأتي الآن لإجابة السؤال الذي ربما دخلت هنا للحصول عليها: ما هو علاج مغص الخيل؟ يقوم الطبيب البيطري بتشخيص الحالة واختيار طريقة التعامل الأمثل في العلاج ويعطي:
ونأتي الآن لإجابة السؤال الذي ربما دخلت هنا للحصول عليها: ما هو علاج مغص الخيل؟ يقوم الطبيب البيطري بتشخيص الحالة واختيار طريقة التعامل الأمثل في العلاج ويعطي:
فينشأ عن تدمير جدار الأمعاء وصول إفرازات البكتيريا السامة لتجويف البطن ومجرى الدم فتسبب:
By following these tips, horse riders and breeders can reduce the risks of colic and ensure the health and safety of their horses.