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هذا المنتج غير متوفر في المخزون حالياً.

FINADYNE 50mg/ml| Flunixin anti-inflammatory| horses,cattle

Calcium for horses is not a luxury! It contributes to building and strengthening your horse's bones, maintaining a healthy immune system, and aiding in the absorption of vitamins D and A. That's why we introduce Calavit! Calafit is a veterinary calcium supplement that contains equine vitamins: Vitamin D and Vitamin A to help maintain strong bones and a healthy nervous system.


Equine Calcium Calafate contains
Calcium Carbonate 99.8%
Additives (per 50 grams)
Limestone (CaC03)
Vitamin A 25000 IU
Vitamin D3 5000 IU

دواعي الاستخدام

Calcium is the key ingredient for strengthening and maintaining bones and is essential for the nervous system.

Calafit is designed to ensure your horse gets healthy levels of calcium by adding both Vitamin A and Vitamin D3 to ensure calcium absorption.
An ideal supplement for foals, young mares and lactating mares.
Helps form healthy bones in foals and young animals.
is important in maintaining good overall health.
Calavit is an economic product with future benefits.

الحيوانات المستهدفة:

Colts, colts, mares, broodmares, stallions, and training horses.

طريقة الإستخدام:

Nursing mares 50g
Stallions 40g
Post-weaning foals 25g
Colts 15-25g


Calafate is available in 4 kilogram sizes for 80 days and 10 kilogram sizes for 200 days.


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Vendor Information

  • Store Name: صيدلية موسم السرعة البيطرية
  • Vendor: صيدلية موسم السرعة البيطرية
  • Address: 2634 طريق الجنادرية، حي البيان, 6273, الرياض 13617، المملكة العربية السعودية
  • لم يتم العثور على أي تقييمات حتى الآن!

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متوفر في المخزون (5)

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