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FINADYNE 50mg/ml| Flunixin anti-inflammatory| horses,cattle

Nimospectin is an antibiotic for animals, whether pets such as cats and dogs or farm animals, and it is also an antibiotic for poultry from Lincomycin/Spectinomycin veterinary use is used in the treatment of many conditions such as: Cat dermatitis, respiratory infections in cattle and sheep.

Learn about the uses and dosages of Neospectin now at veterinary.com


Each ml of Nimuspectin contains:
Active ingredients:
Lincomycin (as Lincomycin hydrochloride monohydrate) 50 mg (equivalent to 54.47 mg of Lincomycin hydrochloride (dried material)).
Spectinomycin (as Spectinomycin sulfate tetrahydrate)… 100 mg (equivalent to 129.45 mg of spectinomycin sulfate (dried substance)).
Excipient: 9 mg benzyl alcohol.

( Veterinary-grade antibiotic lincomycin and spectinomycin )

دواعي الاستعمال

Nimospectin is used to treat infections caused by organisms sensitive to lincomycin and/or spectinomycin.
(veterinary-use lincomycin and spectinomycin antibiotic)

treat respiratory infections, arthritis, and umbilical inflammation.

Treatment of respiratory infections and mycoplasma.

Chicken and turkey:
Treatment of mycoplasmosis associated or not with E. coli
Treatment of vasculitis caused by E. coli Treatment of avian cholera caused by Pasteurella maltosida.

Cats and dogs:
Treatment of respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections, skin infections (including wounds and abscesses) and arthritis caused by organisms sensitive to the effect of lincomycin and/or spectinomycin in veterinary use.

موانع الاستخدام

Nimospectin is not given in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.
Do not give to rabbits, hamsters, pigs, or horses as this may lead to severe digestive upset.

Reverse reactions

Softening of the stool may be observed. It’s usually transient and recovers when treatment is discontinued.
Nimuspectin may cause occasional localized pain when injected.

الحيوانات المستهدفة

Cows (calves), sheep, chickens, turkeys, cats and dogs.

الجرعة وطريقة الاستعمال

Nimospectin is given by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

gives 5 mg of lincomycin and 10 mg spectinomycin per kg body weight (equivalent to 1 ml of nimospectin/10 kg body weight) intramuscularly twice daily on the first day followed by once daily for 3-5 days.
gives 5 mg of lincomycin and 10 mg spectinomycin per kg (equivalent to 1 ml of nimospectin/10 kg BW) intramuscularly, once daily for 3-5 days.

Chicken and turkey:
gives 10 mg of encomycin and 20 mg of spectinomycin per kg of body weight equivalent to 1 ml of nimospectin/5 kg of body weight) by subcutaneous injection, once daily for 3 days.

Dogs and cats:
gives 10 mg of lincomycin and 20 mg spectinomycin per kilogram of body weight (corresponds to 1 ml of nimusceptin/5 kg of body weight) intramuscularly. Repeat at intervals of 12 to 24 hours for 3 to 7 days depending on response.

فترة السحب

Meat and dairy products: 14 days.
Meat and derivatives: 14 days.
Milk: Do not use in the production of milk for human consumption.

Chicken and turkey:
Meat and offal: 14 days.
Eggs: Nimospectin is not used in laying hens to produce eggs for human consumption.

Special Storage Precautions

Do not store Nimuspectin above 30 degrees Celsius.
The validity period after the first opening: 28 days.
Keep away from children.


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  • Store Name: صيدلية البعادي البيطرية
  • Vendor: صيدلية البعادي البيطرية
  • Address: المملكة العربية السعودية
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